America has become a culture obsessed with celebrity and fame. I challenge anyone to go to their local grocery store and pick out a magazine that doesn’t feature some kind of news on the “Hollywood scene.” Whether it’s the newest baby Angelina and Brad have decided to adopt (isn’t there a limit on how many Cambodian babies one celebrity can have?) or which rehab center Lindsey Lohan checked herself into this week, the public can’t seem to get enough of celebrities. And while it isn’t a big deal to pick up a magazine in the store and browse it while you shop, more and more people are taking this obsession to a whole new level.
The Teen Fangirls
Probably the scariest fan out there is the teenage or more recently the pre-teen girl. These are the girls that cover their walls in in Jacob vs. Edward posters, dedicate shrines to the Jonas Brothers, and only wear clothing from the Miley Cyrus line at Wal-Mart (who knew being Hannah Montana qualified you to be a fashion designer). Teen and pre-teen girls go insane for celebrities, male and female, but they generally pursue the younger Hollywood crowd. One reason for this is the fantasy that comes along with celebrity obsession. When you’re a pre-teen, life may be dull or boring. One way to escape reality is to obsess over a celebrity. By imagining their first meeting with Zac Efron or that one day you’ll be married to Taylor Lautner, teens create an entirely new world for themselves. According to many articles, obsession with celebrity, to some degree, is normal. Frank Sinatra had his band of “bobby soxers” and The Beatles had American girls swooning over them as soon as they crossed the pond. But the problem with teenage celebrity obsession today is two-fold. For one thing, there is no comparison between musicians like Sinatra and The Beatles to that of Demi Levato and Selena Gomez. It’s sad when the youth of America thinks that Justin Bieber is the greatest musician to ever walk the planet (not that he isn’t talented; I wouldn’t want to upset anyone currently suffering from Bieber fever). The second problem comes when these girls focus more on the life of someone they’ll probably never meet instead of their own. When a girl is dyeing her hair to match Miley or trying to lose weight so she looks like the anorexic Olsen twin, obsession becomes a problem.
The Moms
What’s even sadder than a teenager obsessed with a celebrity, is a fully-grown woman who mirrors her obsession. How can the teen girl ever grow out of her fixation with Joe Jonas when her mom’s favorite outfit includes a t-shirt with his face on it? While it’s normal to be crazed about celebrities when you’re young and impressionable, it’s not so great to have that same fascination when you’re middle-aged. Stories of women asking Robert Pattinson to bite their babies, or fainting when they see Justin Bieber in concert (why are they even at that concert by the way?) are ridiculous and a little terrifying. No wonder celebs are afraid to come out of their homes or walk down the street. It’s one thing to have 13 year olds running after you but to have a grown woman clawing at your clothes and screaming for an autograph is something straight from an Alfred Hitchcock movie.
I understand why it’s so easy to follow the life of celebrities; with social media like Facebook and tons of entertainment television shows and blogs, it’s hard not to know what’s happening with the Governator and his love child or Palin’s plastic surgery. But when our lives become more about a select group of people than ourselves, it’s time for a change. We, as “normal” people have to remember that being a celebrity is just a job, and we all have one of those. Pattinson isn’t really a 100 year old vampire (and even if he were, he’s in love with Bella Swan, not you) and Bieber is just a boy who hasn’t gone through puberty yet. Distinguishing the people from the personas they portray is something we all need to do so we can lessen this obsession with Hollywood, and start living our own lives again.
picture from mamapop.com
First of all, I love the layout of your blog and your font! What is it called? I hope you don't mind if I copy it. I definitely agree with you that teenage girls have gone to a new extreme these days. I mean, I admit, I liked the Backstreet Boys when I was a teen, but I wasn't obsessed with them!
ReplyDeleteHaha. Thanks for the comment! The font is called coming soon. You can get it by going to the advanced setting tab when you design your blog. It took me a while to find the right font so feel free to use this one. I love it too! =]
ReplyDeleteYour blog was great! It made me think of the show, "The Real Housewives"-of the multiple places (O.C., N.Y., Atlanta, Beverly Hills, N.J., etc). Here you have old, plastic moms fighting constantly for their "claim to fame". Oh and did I mention, they all think they can sing! HA! Or have you ever seen the show "Toddlers in tiaras"?! It's ridiculous, however I am so guilty of watching the drama. The media portrays this "crap" because drama and sex sell. I'm seriously considering just making a ridiculous youtube video just to see if I become famous. I laughed so hard when I read your post.
Thanks Lydia! And yes, I'm guilty of watching both of those shows. But my new favorite one is this show Mob Wives on VH1. It's just like the Housewives shows but the women are really intense and their husbands are all in jail because...well... they're legit mobsters. It's great for killing time and brain cells so you should definitely watch it sometime lol.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit that I'm a total fan of celebrity gossip. While it doesn't take over my life, I can see how it would. I think that the reason I follow it so much is because it is a common denominator among people no matter their age, race, or any other factor. When I make small talk with someone new it is easier to talk about a subject from entertainment news rather than "real" news. Celebrities are a safe subject because you never know how someone feels about religion or politics and what might offend them. Everything is kept light and a celebrity's life does not really directly influence any other person. I do agree that it should not be focused on so much because they are real people as you stated but until other popular subjects become less emotionally driven and intense, I think it'll be a phenomena that continues.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Actually, I didn't even realize how many celebrity-crazed middle aged women were out there. At least not until I thought of how many of them follow celebrities on twitter and read People magazine cover to cover as soon as the new one's out. While that's still considered normal, or it is to me, there's a dangerous line between being interested in a celebrity's life, actions, or work and being obsessed with them as a person. Do I get excited when I meet a celebrity? Of course, but they're just people too.
ReplyDeleteAhaha..very funny yet so undeniable true. I'm not lie and I can't hide it, but I too have atained some of these parasocial relationships you were talking about. I love the Biebs and was seriously considering buying a card board cut out of him to go in my living room (please don't judge me)and a Michael Jackson cut to live in my bedroom ( I just love him so much!). I do agree with what you said about why its so easy for people to get caught up in celeb gossip and drama. It is almost like watching a movie or listening to music--its an escape from "our" reality. Still, when taken to extreme measures, these obsessions can be very harmful to a "normal person's" mental and/or emotional well being.
ReplyDeleteJessica--there is so much truth in what you said in this blog entry! (PS hello again;) It is almost scary how caught up our world has become with celebrity drama and gossip in different social groups. For some reason this reminded me of the somewhat newer show "Bridalplasty"and how it is all of these "brides to be" competing for the ultimate plastic surgery and "dream wedding". It's so funny to watch because along the way, after winning challenges, the women get smaller procedures done and go to group meetings/eliminations all bandaged up. It's not like these single "dream" surgeries are enough, but as a winner they get to have as many surgeries as they would like until they attain their desired image. It is so bizarre that many women desire this and sad that they think that it is the only way that they will be beautiful.