Saturday, June 4, 2011

Be Bye Beaches...

So…it’s summer time, and that inevitably means more and more tourists flocking to the beach, spending loads of money, and ruining life for the locals. Okay, maybe “ruin” is a harsh word, but having lived at the beach for 18 years, and having seen what happens after Memorial Day weekend, it’d say it’s not too far off. While school is in Wilmington, home for me is Emerald Isle, about an hour and a half drive north of UNCW. It’s a great place to grow up and I love spending my summers kayaking, jet-skiing, or just out on the boat. What I don’t love…the hordes of tourists coming to the island and transforming it into a theme park. I totally understand the economical need for tourists, especially during the summer months. Our economy survives and thrives on those people from Ohio who have never seen the ocean before and believe that being on vacation means wearing tropical button downs, sombrero-style hats and globs of sunscreen only on their nose. I also think everyone should have the chance to relax by the ocean, soak up some rays, and enjoy this beautiful creation God has given us. What I don’t agree with is how life for those already living on the beach must change when the weather warms up and school gets out.

Emerald Isle used to be a great beach town. We had tons of surf shops, putt-putt places, tiny amusements parks, local shops and seafood restaurants, and beach bars. And though we still have most of those things, what seems to be growing in demand and decreasing in quantity is waterfront property. Recently, the town decided to start charging people to park at the two (yes I said two) public beach accesses on the island. I know this is already done at Wrightsville beach, but to find out I have to pay $10 a day to go to a place that use to be free is a little upsetting. What’s even worse is the amount of hotels and condominiums popping up along the shore. The town has decided to get rid of any mobile home parks and a few places of business in order to make way for these incredibly oversized buildings which serve to block resident’s access to the beach and crowd the view. I know that with time, everything changes, and of course the Emerald Isle is going to want to be as “tourist-friendly” as possible so they can earn the green, but if you keep building and building these condos, cutting off access to the beach and getting rid of the local flavor of the island, what’s going to be left? People go on vacation to relax but to also experience the local environment of a different city. Nothing of the “local” nature will be left soon, which is something that is sad to think about.


  1. I totally know what you mean. Even though I live in Wilmington, I call Topsail Beach home. Our beach house my little weekend get-away when life at school gets too crazy and hectic. I love Topsail, but what I hate is all of the tourists on the weekends during the summer. People go 15 mph in a 45 mph zone because they're looking for their rental house. I can't stand it!

  2. Jessica, you're blog made me sad! :( I am from the mountains originally so home to me is very spacious. That's crazy that you now have to pay for parking to go visit your hometown beach! I get frustrated with Wrightesville beach! I feel like there is not enough parking there and the traffic of getting to the beach in the first place...geeezzz! It stinks the economy is in such a rut. Hopefully your vaca will relieve your stress :)

  3. Jessica--I know what you mean by those tourists "ruining" our beach! Haha I totally agree...since I live at the beach now, I got to see the quick shift within just days of how many people flock here and don't know how to drive (well no one knows how to drive here already haha..) and just take over our ENTIRE beach with their shenanigans....i just want us to have a gate or something that makes you have a uncw id (or be an alum) to get onto wrightsville unless you live here. That would be the best!;)

  4. I'm so glad that someone out there shares my hatred for tourist. Ok, hatred is a strong word, but you get what I'm trying to say. I left Wilmington right before Memorial Day weekend and as soon as I crossed the bridge to leave Wilmington, traffic was backed up for miles. I kid you not, miles. It was ridiculous. I live in Wilmington because of school, but I also like to call Wilmington my home because I do have my own apartment here and I live in it year round, and I have to say when tourists come around, I flee. I know I should be more understanding because that's how the city of Wilmington makes a majority of it's money, but sometimes tourists are really obnoxious. The problem is that Wilmington caters to tourists. Your hometown of Emerald Isle is now just starting the "catering" process. I bet it's hard to see your hometown change so drastically. Sometimes, I wonder when I travel to other places what the locals there think of me. Do they see me as a crazy tourist ruining their home town?, or Do they see me as a someone who is boosting their economy? Hmm. I'm going to go with crazy tourist.

  5. I grew up going to Emerald Isle! My grandparents own a beach house at Emerald Isle and we've been going there ever since I was born. This really saddens me that this is happening to Emerald Isle. You could always count on Emerald not to have too many tourists as well as have the attractions that most people find at a beach town. I liked how quaint it was and how only a handful of people knew about the beach. You could go to the water park and not ever have to wait in line to go down a slide or to Jungle Land (if you remember it) and play putt putt and bumper boats to your hearts desire. I haven't been in the recent years but I'm nervous to see how it's changed since my roommates and I will be heading to my grandparents beach house for vacation. Do they still charge for bike parking? I know we'll probably try to bring our bikes as well as a couple of long boards down with us so pay parking shouldn't be an issue. But really? What is this world coming to?

  6. This was kind of sad to read. I know almost everyone that goes to UNCW that is from EI, I've personally been there a few times are I am actually planning on going there the last week of July as well. I had no clue that they are now charging for beach parking! One of my best friends actually has a mobile home there that is pretty cool and she goes there a lot during the summer and I can't believe that the town has decided to get rid of any mobile home parks, I'll definitely have to ask her about that! I see how touristy Wilmington has became and i really hope that Emerald Isle doesn't become like that too!
