Thursday, June 16, 2011

The End is Near

So I'm sure everyone is extremely excited that Summer Session 1 is almost over (I know I am). It's not that I don't like the classes I'm taking. I actually really enjoy our Communications course and the other English online class I'm in, but I've discovered that the stress of online classes isn't worth the convenience. Sure, you get to do all of your work at home, and sure, you get to choose when you want to work on assignments, but there are elements of in-person classes that are just missing when you decide to go the online route. As much as I hate waking up to walk a mile to class, and as much as I love being able to determine my own schedule, it's just too easy to get behind online, especially during the summer. Packing full 3 credit courses into six weeks was an awful idea, so whoever came up with it should just go die. And trying to balance two online courses with a job and getting ready to travel was an even worse plan (that was my fault though). I just feel that no matter how much you dedicate to your online course, you can never do as well as in a real classroom. (Maybe I shouldn't generalize and narrow that theory down to my own personal experience). I just feel that I'm missing out on so much by being online. The relationships you build with classmates and professors isn't there, the ability to learn things in a hands-on way and the opportunity to stay on track just isn't available online. No matter what I do, I always miss turning something in. In my other online class, I'm doing horribly, which is a big deal since I've never gotten below a B since I started college. It's not because I'm a lazy student, or because I'm not trying, but it seems no matter what I do, that grade will never be as good as it could've been if I had taken the class online. Maybe I'm just whining too much, but to anyone else who thought taking a summer online class would be a good way to graduate early and earn more credit and who now realizes that made a grave mistake in that assumption, I feel your pain.

(Since this post was a debbie-downer, I'll end with something that hopefully makes you smile).

Star Wars according to a 3 year old

"Don't talk back to Darth Vader because he'll get you" - words to live by.

Charlie Bit Me

I don't think Charlie cares...

Top 60 Ghetto Names

I particularly like Kooladria =]

The Nail Salon

This is exactly what happens...true story.


  1. I couldn't agree with you anymore. I thought taking an online class would be a piece of cake. I was so wrong. So on top of taking this online class I'm taking also taking accounting with an accounting lab. Horrible, horrible mistake I considered dropping one of them. But I do love the videos you posted at the end of your post. This last one is cracking me up. That is exactly how I feel when I get my nails done. Anyway I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer.

  2. Girl, I totally know how you feel. I am taking two online classes as well and this was the first time I had taken summer courses. It is just really difficult to keep up with the amount of reading and assignments you have to do on your own that you probably wouldn't have to do were you in class. The hardest part for me is keeping up with it on a daily basis. In my online psychology class, we have to keep up with discussions and post daily (except on weekends). I like to get all of my work done at the same time so it is hard for me to set time aside each day to do certain things. I liked how everything but our blogs were due on Wednesday (except this week!) because it gave me time to just sit down and do it all instead of do something every day if I wanted to.

  3. Everyone stressed to me how intense a summer class would be. I knew if I could stay strong for 5 weeks Ic ould earn a good grade... didn't work. I mean I expect to get a B in this class but I know I would have made an A if our COM class wasn't online. That extra pressure, I'm sure, didn't help. Good luck on your adventure to the UK.

  4. I am just as stressed as you are with online classes. My work schedule doesn't give me the amount of time I need to do all of the work. (I work twelve hour shifts). I really do miss being able to go in and sit down with the professor then looking at a computer screen for hours on end. I also think there should be some leniency to online courses. We need to get our work done, but 6 assignments over the course of 5 days is really hard to accomplish (at least it is for me). Next summer I'm definitely opting out of summer courses.
